Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter Traditions?


We think we have it all figured out. We think that just because it is a "traditional"  holiday that we can just go and make plans (not that I ever do) and they will get carried out rain or shine.

Don't get me wrong here. Easter is probably my favorite holiday. Not because of all the pastels, little cute farm animals of sheep, bunnies, lil' ducklings etc. But for the simple and life changing fact that "Christ rose from the dead." "He is risen" are the three most powerful words we experience when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

Traditions are biblical. They are scattered all throughout the Bible. They are important because God said they were. There is something about establishing traditions that helps us to remember.

 Remember what?

Remember God's faithfulness to us.

These photos were taken from my iphone by Cassidy.  This is how you bring glory to God in a hospital room with limited resources.

 You take a pastel bowl that the "Easter Bunny" brought to you earlier that morning filled with peeps, and candy and silly puddy and who knows what else.

 Couple that with a neck scarf and a pretty little daisy that came on a hospital tray, and fix a cross on the side of it with said silly puddy and VOILA!

Easter celebrations!

Who knew? (rhetorical)

God knew- that's WHO knew.

He knew that we would be making an emergency vistit to Texas to be with Virginia (Granny, my mother-in-law). He knew that we would be spending Easter in a hospital room.

 Actually,  He planned it.

I know- I know, we don't like to admit that He plans our days and "determines our footsteps."

But His ways are higher than ours. He knows the plans He has for us.

He wanted US to serve Someone on this special day.

He wanted prayers going up from countless friends and family on this special weekend.

He healed someone.

 He chose to do that.

I praise Him for that.

                                   (this would be a diagram of the chemical structure for morphine
                                    that your son would draw...... if he were bored.)

We are truly blessed, and what a BLESSED Easter we had with those we love!

And what do you do for Easter lunch when your stomach starts to growl and your mother-in-law needs some peace and quiet and rest from being pricked and poked and cut on (sorry) and given large doses of morphine and pain pills?


Your son suggests "lets find a Buffalo Wild Wings!"

So you do.

Cause it sounds pretty good.

And chances are there won't be much of a wait (if you know what I mean).

(Easter and all)

And you thank God for his Easter plans He made for you.

And you eat chicken wings. or pulled pork sandwiches. or whatever.

And you praise Him. And you thank him again.

And then, when your on your way back home and you stop for gas, your daughter comments on how she is glad we don't always have the same traditions every year. Because if we had been home, she might have not focused her thoughts on the cross, and the Risen Christ. And the empty tomb.

Sometimes God has to take us out of our "normal" circumstances so that our eyes and ears can see and hear again.

Hope everyone had a blessed Easter as we did and that we will all continue to celebrate The Risen Christ each and everyday!

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