Turning onto our dirt road........
"Yes, baby girl"
"Ok, I don't get it....how can God be three different things?"
"You mean, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit?"
"Yeah...I mean, how can he do that?"
"Hmmmmm..... Well, think of it like this;
God the Father is the most powerful, glorious and awesome thing
there is! He is so bright and amazing and more than we can ever imagine.
He wanted to come to us on earth to save us. Since he is so glorious, we would
never be able to see him face to face just the way he is. We would literally die in his presence.
Think of Jesus as the way God chose to come to us as a perfect human so we could see how we are suppose to live our lives. He came so he could die here on earth for our sins.
When Jesus died for us and went back to heaven he then sent the Holy Spirit to live in us when we believe in Him.
The Holy Spirit is God living in us.
Does that make sense?"
Think of Jesus as the way God chose to come to us as a perfect human so we could see how we are suppose to live our lives. He came so he could die here on earth for our sins.
When Jesus died for us and went back to heaven he then sent the Holy Spirit to live in us when we believe in Him.
The Holy Spirit is God living in us.
Does that make sense?"
"OOOOHHHH, now I get it...... God made all of this (motioning to the sky, trees, grass, flowers and sun with hand out and palm facing heaven) so that we could SEE Him!

"Yes, baby girl.... (fighting the sting in my nose and the lump in my throat from the tear that was so desperately trying to work its way out of the corner of my eye)..........I couldn't have said it better."
".....Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them. " Mark 10:14-16
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