Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Perfect Love

Ok, so what are the things that we are not?

This is not the question we usually ask ourselves.
Most of the time we want to talk about everything that we are. At least deep down in our hearts we do.

We are human and it is in our sinful nature to want to always focus on ourselves. But when we do this it leaves us shallow and empty human beings who are still searching and longing for more.

God has a Plan.
 To many, it seems that His Plan failed.
 To others it seems as though when Plan A didn’t work out then God must have switched over to plan B.

Since the beginning of time we have always been on Plan A.
God had only one Plan for us. 
To redeem us.

If you think about it , everything in life, whether it be in nature or just in the way we communicate, has an opposite. If we didn’t know tall, how could we understand short. Just knowing what small is makes us understand how big things are. The same is true of color. We cant see white in it’s purest form until black sits at it’s side.

So how could we even possibly understand Love if we didn’t know what it is to hate or be hated?

 The answer is, we can’t.

 At least not by ourselves.

 We can only know what God has shown us through his Son , Jesus. We can learn what it is to be holy when we look to Christ and his death on the cross.

Are you beginning to see a Pattern here?

Christ is

The cross is death and everything that love is not.


God loved us so much, that he was willing to show us all the bad stuff so that we could fully understand the Good stuff.
 And not just understand it but accept it and give it back to Him so that he could have the fullness of our hearts and not just bits and pieces.

He could have created us any way he so desired. He could have spared us from knowing what sin is and all that that brings about, but he knew that would mean a shallow and pretentious love.
 That is not who He is.

 He will not take less than Perfect Love.

It would be like us creating a husband or a wife to our specific liking with all of the traits and personalities to suit our wants and desires and needs and pressing a button when we wanted a kiss or a hug or encouraging words.
That’s ridiculous! Would we really want that?
That’s not love, because love is self sacrificing.
 Love is selflessness.

 Love is dying to self so that others are put before you.
 Love is not robotic.
 Love is a choice.
 A choice that our Gracious Heavenly Father has given us because He loves us.
 He loved us enough to give us a choice.

Oh how I fail miserably at showing others sacrificial love. 
My pride gets in the way so often and I want to be right, and I want to be heard, and I want my way!

Lord, give me the wisdom to trust in Your Plan and your perfection and how you have made my heart clean  through Your death, so that I will love You and make You my only choice.

Everyday and for all eternity.

Help me to fulfill Your plan for my life that you have been planning since the beginning of time!

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