So proud of Dalton!
This past tuesday he and the GHS BPA team (Business Professionals of America) headed up to Tulsa for the two day state event.
Dalton took 3rd place in state for his category "Extemporaneous Speech"!
There were 38 competitors in this category, a big jump from last year where there were just a little over 20, in which he took 5th!
We are so proud of him for his commitment to BPA and his desire to do his best!
The 3rd place award was a $2000 dollar scholarship to OKC University. The Nationals will be held in Chicago next month!!!
This has been such a great experience for him to really show his speaking skills and leadership qualities, as he was voted President this year!
Yesterday was a trip to Ada for a tennis tournament. Dalton played singles yesterday and it was so much fun to watch!
He won his 3rd match to Deer Creek and boy was it good!! He won 10:8 in a super tie-breaker!!
(I hope my tennis "lingo" is up to par. I'm still getting used to all the scoring as it can get a little confusing to me at times. I think I'm getting it s-l-o-w-l-y!)
It was a long day for D. Up at 5am, 2hr drive to Ada and then crashed on the way back!
Here are the pics for the week!
I don't know if these are in order but until Blogger updates it's IPhone app I guess it will have to do :)
Looooonnnnggggg Day!
Sitting in the car having snacks between matches.......
Ready to serve......
3rd Place!!